Seth – Is really changing and has such an adorable personality! He has entered a new stage in his life…no more nursing!!! He is adjusting well, it was hard for me and him at first…he would pat me as if to say….pleeease mama let me have some!
He can say Night-night, bye bye, Hi, Bubba, bum bum, Mama, dada, Uh-Oh, No-NO and the rest of his little grunty noises are his way of communicating to me and I usually know exactly what he wants! He does the cutest thing, actually he has been doing it for a while now…..he digs his little head into a blanket on the ground or when I’m holding him he does into my chest and then brings his legs up under him, like a rolly poly! He does it thru out the day, not just when his sleepy! And he just looks so cute cause when he sits back up his hair is all messed up and he has the sweetest smile as he looks at you!
Gabe – Talk about changing…he is growing so much! He really enjoys puzzles, actually for awhile now, but lately is really into them! I am impressed at how well he does! We recently took him out of school again, due to finances (thanks again to mom and dad for my x-mas present - paying a month for him) , so his last day was January 28th. They hated to see him leave and all his friends want to stay intouch. His teacher has a gift for him that we will go and get soon. I am grateful for the time that we were able to have him in school, I know he enjoyed it and learned ALOT as well as mommy getting a little break. But it is not a necessity at this time. Gabe has had a few dreams that I guess you would say are nightmares. One he had was the other night and I woke from a dead sleep to hear Gabe SCREAM, as I made my way around the corner to his room I saw him on the floor outside his door like he had fallen and was frantically trying to get up as if something was chasing him! Poor baby I grabbed him and sat there on the floor hugging him and then got up, got some milk and told him it was just a dream. He dreamt that there was a train at his door way and the train ran over his foot! Oh and the train was a BIG WHITE ONE! Gabe is full of questions these days, a cute one he asked recently was as we drove past a Water Tower"
Mama what’s that? ~A Water Tower.~What does it do?~ HOlds Water.~Oh, Can you swim in it?~No it’s like a cup that holds water…~Oh so can you drink it?~ No Well eventually we do
Bubba’s – They are playing more these days, Seth is keeping up a little better now. They play chase and just giggle (which I love to hear), motorcycles/cars, Playdough, and Seth follows Gabe around like a little puppy! So sweet when they love on each other! Just now when I was getting Seth ready for Bed I said tell bubba night night and as he leaned down toward Gabe he said Nigh Night and kissed him!!!!
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