Thursday, August 27, 2009

A quick Update on the Boys

Hey Everybody!

Seth is now 8 months old and has not crawled, but scoots around on his bottom a bit and pushes back on his belly... the other day I came in the living room and didn't see him on his blanket, my heart dropped a little...I was like WHERE DID HE GO? (I remember doing that same thing with Gabe) His face was looking up at me...he had scooted backwards on his belly and his body was under the end table with his head looking up at me with a grin, "Like see what I can do"? hee hee!!! He has pulled up a few times and can stand holding on to something, but once he leans hes down! Oh but how EXCITED he is too be up on his feet! He so wants to play with Gabe and wants his toys...forget these baby toys lets move onto the Cars & Trucks! He has been saying ba ba for a while, but he says ma ma quite a bit and at first I thought he was just babling, but he looks at me when I come in the room and says it to me!!!! I love it...he said mama before dada...WOW! I think this is because he hears Gabe all the time! :) He does say dada too! :)

I can't believe Gabe will be 3 in December, just right around the corner! He will be starting pre-school (mothers dayout) soon and he is excited about that! I took him to the Dentist a few days ago because I noticed something on his tongue...he has geographic tongue....this is where your taste buds come off in clumps or can burn, itch, or be hot! You are born with it is not something you catch! This explains why he has been messing with his tongue and putting things in his mouth. But his Second year molar is coming in on the bottom left which is also why he wants things in his mouth! Hopefully he will grow out of it and it will not cause him too much pain or aggravation as he gets older.

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