Would you say friends and family are the same?
I would……
I feel that friends and family are people that know your heart and know you would NEVER do anything to hurt them intentionally. Of course there will be times when you hurt someone or they hurt you, but can you forgive?
I feel that if someone has a history of hurting you and you have had many troubles, than, it may be time you need to evaluate the relationship. It may be that you need to distance yourself from them, but can you still forgive?
Forgiveness – We should all strive to forgive as Jesus did, where it is erased and you forget……how hard this can be for all of us.
Have you ever reached out and reached out, but got nothing in return! It can really hurt to think that, there was ONE thing you did that hurt them, whether you meant it or not in your whole relationship yet that’s what they hang on to. To me it’s sad and it’s when you realize you never really mattered to them anyway, so STOP reaching and realize that maybe they are not suppose to be in your life.
I don’t about you, ………but, are you perfect? I bet your answer would be NO WAY, right? Have you ever made a mistake, ever said or done something you didn’t mean to do, or someone really did take it the wrong way, or you were honest and didn’t lie? Maybe you stuck up for what was right and saw that someone was being treated unfairly, or maybe spoke up when someone was being judged and tried to do the right thing. Even when you do the right thing there will be people that are going to get mad.
What about change and growth in you life and most importantly the change and growth in your walk with the LORD? Do you believe that most people will change and grow for the BETTTER and that IF they have the HOLY SPIRIT living inside them you will have the opportunity to see BEAUTIFUL things happen? Do you believe that even when someone changes for the good, that sometimes they take steps back or simply maybe they are not moving at all, just staying the same?
What about closure? Is there someone you don’t have closure with? Do you have that anxious feeling like you need to talk with them? Guess what, if you don’t know this already, YOU WILL NOT ALWAYS have CLOSURE in your life.
It took me along time to realize that I don’t have to fix everything, when GOD is on my side! You may have people in your life…Family or Friends that are no longer “active” in your life…Are you trying to get them back? GUESS WHAT???? This may be a blessing from GOD! What I mean by this is that, we tend to automatically think that blessings will be these great things we love and want, NOT things we don’t want to happen! God takes people and things “SOMETIMES”out of your life all together or for short times in your life as blessings too. Do we see it right away…no, but down the road we will. Sometimes they will come back and that is when we see “maybe” why and get to see something really cool that God did in your life or theirs!
One last question…Is loosing a family member or a friend to any of these questions the same?
I Believe in Unconditional Love